On August 26th, TEAM HYDRO will gather for an exciting and unprecedented event–a SECOND Alcatraz swim in one summer!!
This Exciting swim will not only help mark TEAM HYDRO’s 10th Anniversary, but it will also be our first Bay crossing consisting exclusively of TEAM HYDRO Swimmers. The event, made possible by a generous grant from Genentech will feature 50 TEAM HYDRO Swimmers, each of whom have committed to raising funds for hydrocephalus research!
Swimmers of all ages and from all walks of life have been working hard to spread the word regarding the desperate need for hydrocephalus research. The Team’s dedication to helping our cause has already been having incredible results! With over a week to go, our TEAM is closing in on the $100,000 mark for 2017!! If our swimmers hit their goals by August 26th, we’ll exceed that figure! As with all of our Team Hydro Events, 100% of funds raised by our swimmers will go DIRECTLY to support important hydrocephalus research!
Swimming along with the team will be two members who are currently living with shunted hydrocephalus–Kyle Voulgaris and Kate Damrell–and their courage and strength (despite each having already undergone countless brain surgeries and endured unimaginable pain) certainly inspires us all!
While the connection to the cause is personal for Kyle and Kate, many of our swimmers had not heard of hydrocephalus or been aware of the desperate need to find better treatments and a cure for the condition prior to joining TEAM HYDRO. Upon learning about the difficulties facing people with hydrocephalus, these swimmers were so inspired by the cause that they became motivated to look past their own lives and use their strength and time and skill to fund hydrocephalus research that will help others –people they don’t even know– to find hope in the midst of the their struggle with this life-threatening condition! Thank you to our TEAM HYDRO swimmers, donors and on-land supporters!! We could not be more grateful for your efforts and support!!
Indeed we could not be more proud that TEAM HYDRO is “Escaping the Rock–for Good”!
Thanks to you—We ARE well on our way to FUNDING a CURE!!
If you would like to donate to the cause, click HERE.