Nina ran a half marathon for hydrocephalus research. What will YOU do this month?
Coronavirus forced us to cancel all our 2020 Group Swim Events – but hydrocephalus patients and researchers need support now more than ever! That is why we are pleased to announce this ‘choose your own adventure’ event. Contribute and get involved HERE!
Just set a goal that you will accomplish between now and August 29th (the intended date of our Alcatraz Swim). You could run. Swim. Walk. Do push-ups. Pledge to read a certain number of books. Lose some weight. It doesn’t matter WHAT you do — so long as you are doing it in the name of the 1million Americans (and countless worldwide) afflicted with hydrocephalus.
For example, Pam “Gramma” Finlayson is determined that she will swim the combined lengths of Upper and Lower Suncook Lakes — nearly TWICE the distance of the Alcatraz Swim! Nina will train for and run a half marathon! Peter is committed to shedding 10 lbs. Get creative, get determined, and make a difference.
Once you’ve set the goal, reach out to friends and family and post the link to this page on social media asking for support. 100% of funds raised go to hydrocephalus research.
Make a donation yourself to get the ball rolling, and then you’re off to the (virtual) races! 🙂